Our girls

Haley is our first born baby who came into our lives August 21, 2006! Beside's her giving me horrible back labor and a slight heart rate scare while we were awaiting her arrival she came into the world completely healthy and beautiful, now she is a vibrant 5 year old and full of spunk and has a great personality. She gets a long with everyone and makes friends so easily, which is why I am very confident with her that she will pursue out lifestyle with no issues at all. She started Kindergarten in September and has been doing so well and has advanced so much. Kayla blessed our lives on April 3, 2009 coming a week late exactly. Everything with labor and delivery went exactly how I wanted it to. Now that she just a couple of months away from being 3 her little attitude has definitely come out and she has taken to the 'I am the baby and can get away with everything' way too well, which is why we are trying to break that habit. Kayla is a fire cracker, she can be so happy but when the attitude comes out and she doesn't get her way she lets you know it. Nonetheless I love my girls more than anything and I am beyond looking forward to what life will hold for them!